Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Christopher Lee - "Vampire" Original Graphite Drawing

Halloween's just around the corner and this has inspired me to do some work based on horror movies.  Christopher Lee scared the hell out of me when I was a youngster and this is my homeage to his portrayal of Dracula in several Hammer films.  It was drawn with Prismacolor pencils on watercolor paper and measures approx 8.5" x 11."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Eddie Van Halen - "Guitar Wizard" Original graphite pencil drawing

Eddie Van Halen
  Eddie Van Halen - the greatest guitarist of an era when hard rock ruled the world (or at least my little part of it).  
  I started working on watercolor paper recently and I am so much happier with it; it is not as glossy a surface and holds the graphite better.  For this drawing, I used several different shades of grey Prismacolor pencils which I fairly roughly applied.  For the background, I used an electric eraser to remove graphite in spots.  It really helped add some good depth (and interest) to the drawing.