Friday, November 9, 2012

Hawaiin Shore - Original Artist Sketch Card by Dean Huck

This is one of the original artworks I did for one of my Artist Market Card series featuring various landscapes.  The size is small (the size of a business card) but the artwork is all original - which means each one is a one of a kind piece.  Because I used various types of medium for each card, they are marked as "Mixed" under the "Type of Medium" heading.  Most of them were a combination of artist markers, acrylic paint, and colored pencil.
  This particular piece is called "Hawaiin Shore" and will soon be for sale online.  I should be finished with the series soon and will post a message here.  I am not sure how much I will be charging for each work, but I will try to make them affordable to everyone who wants to own a piece of my artwork.

Artist Sketch Cards - Original Paintings and Drawings by Dean Huck

I have been working from time to time on my own Artist Sketch Cards - these are very trendy at the moment.  They started as an idea when some artists decided to do something for those people who couldn't afford to buy an original work or an expensive lithograph from them.  So these artists decided to offer very small (three and a half inches by two and a half inches; about the size of a standard business card) ORIGINAL artworks to collectors at affordable prices.  Thus the Artist Sketch Card was born. 
  Now in checking out other artists' work, I noticed that the GREAT majority of the subject matter focused on comic book characters and lots of Anime type characters (neither of which are my subjects I'm interested in). 
  So I bought some Copic markers and have started to play with these.  I will post some of the cards when I feel like I am able to produce some decent quality work - which will be....ah I don't know when the hell it will be...  I'm just going to work on them when I can and see how they come out.