Saturday, May 29, 2010

Criss Angel - Two Versions of pencil drawing

You can see the difference between scanning a drawing and photographing the same sketch. The drawing on the top was photographed with a digital camera and posted online. Everytime I looked at it, I knew the colors were all wrong. Now the new posted image (which I scanned) looks alot more like the original drawing...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Sammy Hagar" Sketch in Graphite

A sketch of one of my favorite musicians; Sammy Hagar. I've been a fan of his since his days with Montrose and have been lucky enough to have seen him in concert several times and he always puts out 100% for his audience.
This sketch was a bit of a different style for me. I used a vellum paper which has a bit of a different tooth than drawing paper. I found myself using my eraser over and over again as I would build up a layer and knock it back again and again until I had the contrast and texture I wanted. I was very pleased with the results as I feel it has a kind of rough textured look to it and some really wonderful contrast. And this was all done with just a regular graphite pencil.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"Las Vegas Magic" Mural by Dean Huck

Another of my Video Presentations, this one shows in great detail a mural I painted some years ago. This project was important to me though because I really wanted to show that I could adequately capture peoples' likenesses in paint. This mural was an exercise in portraiture as I ended up with no less than 17 images of magicians who had performed in Las Vegas at some time in their careers. Most people will recognize performers such as Siegfried and Roy, Lance Burton, Penn and Teller, and David Copperfield. Less people will recognize great magicians such as Doug Henning, Slydini, Amazing Johnathan, the Pendragons, Shimada, Jeff McBride, Tony Grippo, Melinda, Albert Goshman, Dai Vernon, and Richard Ross. They are are all "greats" in my book and I've had the pleasure of meeting several of them. Anyway this mural was painted on the wall of my old studio and measured about 80 inches across and about 50 inches high. The section on the bottom shows the cityscape of Las Vegas at night. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

"A World Under the Sea" Mural Painted on Bathroom Walls and Ceiling

This video presentation reveals a slide show set to music and pics of the "World Under the Sea" mural I painted. The walls and ceiling of this bathroom show some of the highly detailed mural work - a Dean Huck signature - he painted here. Everywhere you turn, even ABOVE YOUR HEAD can be seen various forms of sealife. And the closer you look at the walls, the more surprises you'll find hidden in them...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Handpainted Faux Stone Video Presentation

I created this video as a way to display some of my past "Faux Stone" projects in which I painted Switchplate covers to match various samples of granite and marble. Enjoy.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Newest "Tropical Beach" Mural Pics...

Here's a nice closeup of the waterfall; a part of the mural which is centered on the back wall of the bathroom.